
Nancy Baym -palkinto Susanna Paasosen, Kylie Jarrettin ja Ben Lightin kirjalle!

Susanna Paasosen, Kylie Jarrettin ja Ben Lightin NSFW: Sex, Humor, and Risk in Social Media (MIT Press, 2019) on voittanut Association for Internet Researchers -yhdistyksen vuotuisen Nancy Baym -kirjapalkinnon. Raati perusteli palkintoa näin:

”NSFW is a wonderful, original and surprising book that deeply and critically interrogates issues around sex, porn, safety, and labor, be that the labor of producing online porn or keeping Facebook “safe”. The book weaves together its various threads (dick pics, algorithmically-produced art, misogynistic online harassment, and much more) to produce a compelling account of aspects of digital culture that – whether we like it or not – touch us all. Drawing on a variety of empirical materials and theoretical insights, NSFW is, in many ways, the consummate AoIR book: the very collaboration between Paasonen, Jarrett and Light was conceived at AoIR conferences, work in progress was presented at AoIR conferences, and the book is in constant dialogue with work produced by the AoIR community. ”

IDA onnittelee konsortion johtajaa Susanna Paasosta ja muita palkinnon saajia!